Atlanta, GA Feb 3-5, 2023 at the Yaraab Shrine Center
Festival report by Charles Shapiro
Photos of the festival by Joyce Howard and others
Photos of the festival by Kelly Jordan and article by Hannah Jones at Saporta Report
Videos of the festival by Andrew Austin, Official Videographer
Videos of the festival by others
Yaraab Shrine Tyler - Marshall Patton
Director - Spencer Schwab
Assistant - Madelyn Dinnerstein
Games Winners
- 3-Ball Simon Says - Dan Brown (FL)
- 5-Ball Endurance - Dan Brown (FL)
- Club Balancing - Jasper Murphy (TX)
- Club Crown - Jacob Tillman (FL)
- Quarters - Jasper Murphy (TX)
- 7-Club Passing - Doug Sluder (NC) and Keith Campbell (NC)
- Huggling - Jasper Murphy (TX) and Chris Sirico (NC)
- Blind Juggling - Jasper Murphy (TX)
- Ball Combat Juggling - Dan Brown (FL)
- Club Combat Juggling - Dan Brown (FL)

Director - Dan Howard
MC - DrewBob Ford
Judges Wrangler and Timer - Jerry Taylor
Judges - Anna, Eileen, Lillian
Sound - Craig Lewis
Passing the Hat - Shivella Schwab and helpers
Entertainer while judges deliberate - Kathryn Carr
Entertainment by the Seed and Feed Marching Abominable Band
- Abby Brodsky (Baltimore MD)
- Ella Catanzaro (Silver Springs MD)
- David DiMuzio (Nashville TN)
- "Short Circuit" - Ben and Shelby Lipman (Sterling NJ)
- Louella Whitaker (Philadelphia PA)
- "Prison Blues" - Jasper Murphy (Austin TX)
- "Ice Cream Man" - Caleb Black (Decatur GA)
- "The Amazing Atticus" - Atticus Abraham (Crossville TN)
- Harry Charles & Harrison Kendree (Rock Hill SC)

2023 PHIL Groundhog trophy winners
- Most Sensational - Atticus Abraham
- Most Groovy - Harry Charles & Harrison Kendree
- Most Dazzling - Ben and Shelby Lipman
Director - Bruce Plott
Sound - Craig Lewis
MC - Jeff Bradley
- Tim Settimi - singing "I'm OK" while playing ukelele
- Larry Vee - rolla bola, unicycle, juggling rings and balls
- Zared Henry - beatboxing
- Jasper Murphy - juggling clubs
- Iman Lizarazu - clowning
- DrewBob Ford presents Mouse Award to Dan Howard
- Abby - yoyoing and juggling balls
- Rodger French - Semaphore
- Dan Brown - juggling many balls
Vendors and Sponsors
More Festival Volunteers
It was great having so many volunteers helping put on the festival!
Publicity and website - Joyce Howard
Treasurer - Jay Jones
Registration - Shivella Schwab, Fran Favorini, Kelley Childs, Madelyn Dinnerstein, Dan Howard, Austin Childs, Anne Rohr, Joyce Howard, Jay Jones
Nametags, wristbands - Chuck Lazarow, Spencer Schwab, Jay Jones
Trophies - Walter Beals and Spencer Schwab
Artwork for t-shirt, nametags, wristbands and trophies - Andrew Austin, John Jessmon, Chuck Lazarow
Festival Booklet - Andrew Austin, Keith Watson, Joyce Howard
Facilities Director - Alan Tidwell
Transport, Setup and Takedown Helpers - Alan Tidwell, Austin Childs, Kelley Childs, Charles Shapiro, Dan Howard, Andrew Austin, Jay Jones, Joyce Howard, Ray Stern, Jerry Taylor, Don Lewis and many others
AJA Banner Setup and Takedown - Andy Ford
Forms, Signs, Posters - Austin Childs, Kelley Childs, Ray Stern, Alan Tidwell, Jay Jones, Don Lewis
Workshops Director - Sean Tessier
Workshop Leaders - Don Lewis, Sean Tessier, Kit Summers, Richard Kennison, DrewBob Ford, Afton Benson, Abby Brodsky, Alan Tidwell, Madelyn Dinnerstein, Joyce Howard, AJA Team
Vendors Coordinator - Austin Childs
Raffle - Austin Childs, Kelley Childs, Dan Howard
Maté and Snacks - Bruce Plott, Ray Stern, Kelly Hoyt, Anne Rohr, Alan Tidwell, Robin Purtee, Madelyn Dinnerstein and others
Water and cups - Ray Stern
Kids Korner - Ray Stern
History Table - Ray and Pat Stern
Cabaret Ticket Takers - Ray Stern and Austin Childs
Post Festival Dinner Coordinator & Festival Reporter - Charles Shapiro
Hosts for out-of-town Guests - Shivella Schwab, Austin and Kelley Childs, Bruce Plott, Joyce Howard, Jay Jones, Charles Shapiro and others
Friday 7 PM -- Basic Club Tricks by Don Lewis
This is for the juggler who has mastered the cascade and wants to add some tricks. These basic tricks are the foundation for more advanced tricks.
Location: Stage
Friday 7 PM -- Beginner Club Passing by AJA Team
Learn to pass clubs.
Location: worshop area B
Friday 8 PM -- Chops with Clubs by Don Lewis
This is an intermediate level workshop. Chops is an elegant looking pattern that can be infuriating to learn just by watching, because it is not obvious what is going on.
Location: Stage
Friday 8 PM -- Juggling Rings and 3-Ring Tricks by DrewBob Ford
Learn lots of ring tricks, including Thumb Spins, and the mysterious Handcakes.
Location: Workshop area B
Friday 9 PM -- Contact Juggling with a Ball by Don Lewis and Joyce Howard
Learn object manipulation that focuses on the movement of a ball in contact with the body. Bring a stage ball, we'll have extras if you don't have one.
Location: Stage
Friday 9 PM -- Passing beyond Pass+Self: Intro to 'Doubles' and 'Heffs' by Sean Tessier
Would you like to learn passing patterns that have more throws than just "pass" and "self"? This workshop will cover early doubles and introduce the 'heff' throw (siteswap 4). Patterns will be motifications of 4-count and 3-count. Interesting 7-club patterns available for advanced passers. (Ability to pass 4-count and 3-count necessary. Ability to juggle siteswaps 423 or 441 with 3 clubs recommended.)
Location: Workshop area B
Saturday 4 PM -- Juggling 101 - Learn to Juggle 3 Balls by AJA Team
Have you always thought you weren't coordinated enough to juggle? WRONG!!! We can teach you. All it takes is a willingness to learn and practice. A guided tutorial for novice-level Jugglers. Learn the basics of juggling including: Juggling vs. Object Manipulation, Proper stance & posture, One ball tossing, Two & Three ball foundational patterns, as well as HOW to practice & improve your juggling overall.
We'll have plenty of balls for everyone to use. You don't need to bring anything but a smile and a desire to learn!
Location: Construction Zone
Saturday 4 PM -- 423: Siteswap's Secret to Movement and Creativity by Richard Kennison
This is how to dance with juggling the easy way. Participants will need three juggling balls.
Location: Stage
Saturday 4 PM -- Growing the Juggling Community by Afton Benson
A discussion about ways we can work together to grow the juggling community at large. Participants should bring something to take notes with.
Location: worshop area B
Saturday 5 PM -- How to Win a Phil by Richard Kennison
Tips on how to create an act that audiences adore and it will dazzel the judges too. Richard has coached over 23 Phil Award winning acts.
Location: Stage
Saturday 5 PM -- 3 Ball Tricks by Kit Summers
Learn over fifty tricks that you may never have thought you could do. Tricks are broken down, so it is easy to see how to perform the trick, no matter what level you are at in your juggling. You will surprise yourself with your accomplishments, so bring 3 balls and learn!
Location: Workshop area B
Saturday 6 PM -- 5 Balls and You by Richard Kennison
Come learn how to make your 5 ball pattern great! Prerequisite is juggling 3 balls in cascade pattern.
Location: Stage
Saturday 6 PM -- 3 Club Tricks by Kit Summers
Bring 3 clubs and learn over forty tricks. No matter your level, intricate details are given on how to perform each trick. You will be astonished at how your juggling skill level will go to the next higher stage.
Location: Workshop area B
Saturday 7 PM -- Introduction to yoyo by Abby Brodsky
Saturday 7 PM -- Passing beyond Pass+Self: Intro to 'Zaps' by Sean Tessier
Would you like to learn passing patterns that have more throws than just "pass" and "self"? This workshop will introduce the zap, a pass that takes less time than a self. Prerequisite: Some ambidextrous passing experience. (3-count or ultimates)
Location: Workshop area B
Sunday noon -- How to Perform Your Juggling by Kit Summers
Learn the basics of putting together a juggling show and making money with your superb performance.
Location: Stage
Sunday noon -- Juggling 101 - Learn to Juggle 3 Balls by AJA Team
Have you always thought you weren't coordinated enough to juggle? WRONG!!! We can teach you. All it takes is a willingness to learn and practice. A guided tutorial for novice-level Jugglers. Learn the basics of juggling including: Juggling vs. Object Manipulation, Proper stance & posture, One ball tossing, Two & Three ball foundational patterns, as well as HOW to practice & improve your juggling overall.
We'll have plenty of balls for everyone to use. You don't need to bring anything but a smile and a desire to learn!
Location: Construction Zone
Sunday 1 PM -- Kendama by Alan Tidwell
Learn to use this traditional Japanese skill toy.
Location: Stage
Sunday 1 PM -- Bounce Juggling 101 by DrewBob Ford
It's not just air juggling turned upside down. It's a whole different world. We'll start with the basic cascade, forward and reverse. We'll talk about different throws and catches, and go on to showers, double bounces, and beyond.
Location: workshop area B or wherever we can set up a bouncing net
Sunday 2 PM -- Club Swinging by Joyce Howard
Bring two clubs and learn the art of club swinging which was an olympic sport in 1904 and 1932. It was the precursor to modern rhythmic gymnastics.
Location: Stage
Sunday 2 PM -- Club Passing with Takeouts by AJA Team
Pass clubs with takeouts and replacements into the pattern by others.
Location: workshop area B